Exhibition ‘Light Unites’ by gallery Talent Voor Kunst.
The exhibition ‘Light Unites’ is a joint venture between
gallery Talent Voor Kunst (Talent For Art) and Dutch Design Hotel Artemis. With this theme, the hotel offers its guests not only a suitable environment during the stormy autumn and dark winter months, but also pays attention to the internationally renowned Amsterdam Light Festival.
The festival that takes place from the end of November to mid-January, has the theme 'Friendship', with emphasis on friendship within the EU . As part of the Dutch Presidency of the European Union in the first half of 2016. A variation of art and design will be shown which has everything to do with light and commitment. Light is interpreted as a universal language to express ourselves.

‘To send light into the depths of the human heart, that is the artistic calling.’ – Robert Schumann
Light, it does have dozens of meanings. But what means light to you? Or what means light to an artist? In this exhibition, the artists show what light means to them. We see light sources from recycled materials such as toys ('Volcano' by Alex Rietveld) and shopping carts (Etiënne Reijnders) that imagine the meaning of light in the most literal sense of the word. But also beautiful pictures of Denise Motz that are enlightened in a very special way, they show the viewer a deeper meaning. Elma van 't Hof calls in her paintings images of lighting in spiritual sense. They are metaphors for the inner, placed in an imaginary world. Music can also be an inspiration to figure (en)light(enment). Vivaldi was a composer from the time of the ‘Enlightenment’, this inspired Yvonne Ottervanger to produce a series of beautiful paintings. Overall, light inspires man for centuries.
Will you quest for your light?
10th Anniversary Dutch Design Hotel Artemis & Charity Foundation hetWerkvan (Madeby)
During the anniversary year 2015, attention is paid to the charity they support; foundation hetWerkvan (Madeby).
This charity helps by promoting the art movement ‘Outsider Art’ with as purpose to create a platform
for these unique creators and their individual unique artworks. You can admire and purchase the art of Madeby
at Dutch Design Hotel Artemis. In addition, the proceeds from the sale of the funny interior toys Phing Things of
the artist Gert-jan Vlaming go this foundation.